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About Us

Who We Are

We believe every child can succeed! Our philosophy of education is multi-sensory. Several research proven learning theories support this emphasis upon learning through interactive play and social relationships:

Maslow’s Theory Hierarchy of Basic Human Needs & Learning: A child’s basic needs (physiological, safety, and esteem) must be met before they are able to learn.

Erickson’s Theory Emotion & Learning: Children develop through stages involving issues that must be resolved for healthy development. Creative Curriculum helps teachers know and develop positive relationships with each child and follow a consistent schedule

Learning & the Brain: Learning is a combination of heredity (nature) and environment (nurture). Rich multi-sensory experiences and stress-free environments benefit children in early child hood as synapses are formed. A well-balanced diet, sufficient sleep and plenty of exercise support healthy brain development

Piaget’s Theory of Logical Thinking & Reasoning: Logical thinking develops in stages and children develop reasoning by manipulating materials; engaging actively in their environment, making new discoveries and modifying their earlier way of thinking.

Vygotsky’s Theory of Social Interaction & Learning: Children grow cognitively by interacting with adults and peers

Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences: Children are intelligent in many different ways and have the capacity to develop all the intelligences if given encouragement, enrichment and support.

Smilansky’s Theory of Children Play & Learning: Young learners are engaged in Functional Play, Constructive Play, Pretend Play, and Games with Rules.

Learning and Resiliency: Competent early educators can make the difference for children threatened by harmful conditions; all children can be reached by adults who protect their normal development.

Why People Choose Us

Clean & Modern Facilities

There is nothing more important than the health and safety of the children in our facilities. We strive to keep children and employees protected against illnesses causing germs. With our health focused approach to cleaning, you will feel confident that our facility is clean and being protected from the spread of germs. We have a team of professional cleaners who assist our instructional team in maintaining a clean and modern facility that is conducive to early childhood education. 

More Learning & Fun

Offering a higher quality technology integrated learning experience that enables each child to reach their full potential. Our curricula and instructional methodologies meet and exceed Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning: Bright from the Start licensing regulations. Our goal is to attain the highest quality rating provided by the state by implementing early childhood education best practices and standards of practice promoted by the National Association for the Early of Young Children. Proactive, culturally competent, and highly qualified early educators diligently working to individualize instruction and create developmentally appropriate classroom environments where every child feels welcome to learn, dream, and reach a higher level of creativity and academic achievement.

Children's Safety

Illness Policies

Your child's health is of great importance to us. Below are listed some guidelines we enforce to reduce the spread of infectious diseases. 

1) Handwashing and temperature checks upon entry.

2) Children with contagious symptoms are excluded until the symptoms subside. Please do not bring your child to school if any of the following symptoms are present:

he/she has a fever or has had a fever during the previous 24-hour period

he/she has a heavy nasal discharge

he/she has a constant cough or is unable to lie comfortably due to cough

he/she has vomited during the previous 24-hour period

he/she has drainage from the eyes

he/she has a rash

he/she has had diarrhea during the previous 24-hour period

he/she has symptoms of a possible communicable disease

he/she needs more care than the teachers can give while caring for the other children

he/she cannot comfortably participate in routine activities at school

If a child becomes ill while at school, we will care for that child until the parent or authorized adult can arrive. All parents need to have emergency plans established in case your child becomes ill. Parents are asked to notify the school within 24 hours if their child has any communicable disease (see the communicable disease chart below). The program will then notify all parents in writing when the children in the program have been exposed. (Our toys, cribs, and tables are disinfected daily with a bleach solution.)

Medical Emergency

Should an accident, illness or injury occur during school hours, the following procedures will be followed:

Staff will contact one or both of the parents.

If the parents or the alternate emergency number cannot be reached, the Director will contact the doctor listed on your Emergency Authorization form. Upon his recommendation, a staff member will take your child to the doctor's office or the emergency room at Southern Regional Medical Center 11 Upper Riverdale Rd Riverdale, GA 30274 (770) 991-8000.

Please inform the office immediately if any emergency numbers should change.

Parking Lot Safety

When driving, parking, or walking, please watch out for children. DO NOT PARK anywhere except in designated parking spaces, even when it rains. It is dangerous for small children to try to cross between parked cars. Please review these rules with persons authorized to pickup your child. 

Dedication To Teach

At Education Station Children's Corporation, our highly educated and innovative teachers create individualized opportunities for exposure to new ideas and materials designed specifically for your child to embrace authentic learning in its most natural way—through play and exploration. From engaging with science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) concepts to growing socially and emotionally, Education Station’s safe, flexible and caring environment gives your child the space to take chances, make connections and experience authentic learning so they can become school-ready, career-ready and life-ready.

Donate or Volunteer

Education Station Children's Corporation is a not-for-profit school.  Matching gift programs are a surefire way to increase corporate sponsorship. We are in the process of obtaining our 501.c.3 tax exempt determination letter. We are also raising funds to create technology integrated classrooms equipped with interactive whiteboards, robots, tablets, other interactive technology. Many corporations will contribute 1-5% of your purchase or will match gifts donated by their employees to eligible not-for-profit organizations. All at no extra cost to the organization or the employee.  Please obtain additional information in the office or check this list to see if your employer is  listed.

Meet Our Teachers

Janeen Soler Gray


Education Station Children's Corporation was founded by Janeen Soler Gray. She has enjoyed a successful career in modeling and real estate. As founder, she has a passion to see your child receive a quality early learning experience. She is also co-founder  of  Elevation Children's Academy a high quality childcare program located in Stonecrest, GA and has also provided engaging summer enrichment and mentoring programs for the past seven years. She have found that five star childcare programs are typically inaccessible to families whose children need them most. She has assembled a high quality early education instructional team whose primary goal is to train children in the way they should go. 

Shawndae Martin


Shawndae Martin is passionate about seeing young learners reach their full potential. She has an associates degree in education and over two decades of experience in early childhood education and administration.

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